
June 2020


Let me say it again – Software development is about being effective and efficient. Browsing twitter and other social media I often see how technology is preferred just because is “sexy”. It is new and “cool”. You have to remember that programming languages and platforms are just tools. If you need a hammer you should not use a screwdriver, no matter how new and fancy it is the screwdriver. Some bad examples of software development During my career, I have seen how projects fail because of the wrong tool usage. Real example – a very simple CRUD application but implemented…

Dependency injection questions are very often during a job interview. In the best case, you should be able to answer why do we use DI container, what is Inversion of Control, and to be familiar with some concrete DI container. Before .NET Core, we were used to working with some third-party libraries. I preferred Autofac (and I still use it for many none .NET Core projects). With the .NET Core release, the framework came with an integrated DI container. One of the most asked questions during .NET Core job interview is “What are the scopes of DI container in .NET…